Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Today I'm satisfied

Well...no long post today. A long post after a long time having not posted will put people (me included) off.

I met Seraphina today on a train back home from town. Now, who's Seraphina? Let's see...she's my ex-jc schoolmate, a classmate's netball teammate (I think)...not much more I can say I think...but I'm just glad that I met someone from jc and had a small chat.

And guess what? A stranger talked to me today on the very same train. Because I was holding a book by Paulo Coelho. Haha, and I guess we share quite a bit in common - educators, seekers of financial freedom, philosophers (at least I hope I am)

It's a good day. Not because of what happened, but because of what I interpreted and reacted to what happened.

And I started reading Adventures of a Currency Trader again. That's the kickstart the 2nd leg of my forex journey!

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