Saturday, 27 January 2007

Library visit

Today I felt an urge to pay a visit to the library to see if I can gain some insights into forex trading from some books.

Well, I was rewarded with a pretty cool beginner's guide to technical analysis...but it so happened that it was the last of the pile of 8 books i picked.

And basically today I read about identifying trends and some basic guidelines as to note when trendlines are breached and whether or not the trend is sustainable etc...

I kinda come to the conclusion that I might be better off with online resouces...but indeed the book covers the topics in much more details...

Just as a note...I've a very nice forum mate who posted some very relevant links to videos on forex trading and skills's the link...

What's in progress now is still my model of pips los tolerance applied to my current strategies...but I could go very far today...tomorrow I should be able to fgure it out...

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