Friday, 20 April 2007

Books Bonanza

Was at Plaza Singapure where's there's this huge "warehouse sale" put up by Carrefour...prices are really pretty low...the books were going for 3 bucks each, but of course one had to spend the time to fish for worthy ones.

So I got a few was the famous (meaning I think I heard of the title before) "Why do Bad things Happen to Good People"...and I go the "Go-Getter"...that one I could finish in an hour...basically tells a story of a war veteran who lost half the functions of his body but perseveres and never gives up on a "impossible" task set by an incredible Boss.

One important lesson in that title is the concept of "degree of the blue vase." The impossible task is as such, the man being tested for his capabilities would be asked to fetch a worthless blue vase sold at USD 2,000. Now, to make things difficult, he was given the wrong address to buy the vase from, no means of forking out the cash, an impossible time limit, and the "examiners" would even tweek details like the shop owner's name and contact number. any case...he managed to get the "degree"...which proved his persistence and resourcefulness. And what is the lesson? It is summarised in the phrase "It'll be done."
And that brings me to the many times have we seen something worth doing and say "It'll be done" regards of all the current restrictions and barriers? How willing are we to abandon our comfort zones to brave the world to try for a home run?(My apologies, that's really just questioning myself)

I know I haven' least not to the extremes. The closest I came to do that is when I was super-motivated by one of my BMT platoon mates to run personal bests for 2.4km run and our Standard Obstacle Course. He went on to OCS anyway, and he definitely deserved that!

In some sense, I feel like an untested stone. And I sure hope that's I'm a gold ore.

Anyway, other than that, I chanced upon another opportunity. Just moments back was chatting with Eusof (who is in Uni now) and he said he wants to take up a sales job during his 2-odd month break...and I was commenting that I think I knew what I am good at selling. I term it "unsecured investments."

So happens that I came across My Winning Funds on the forum I frequent. It's an open program that basically uses a mathematical approach to betting on horses. I didn't quite know the admin so I called them up and checked out if this is for real. Actually the concern here is capital protection. I wouldn't mind no or minimal returns, but I don't expect my money to disappear overnight.

I think I've secured enough trust to invest with them, which would add to my portfolio of assets.

So for now, it is to quietly watch the cauldron and stir it once in a while to make sure nothing goes wrong. Of course, every and anything can go wrong, but that investing...and I can't manage the risk, but I at least do understand how my money is managed.

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