Sunday 25 September 2011


Donkey years ago, I heard the line 「有花堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝」 and did not make much of it. Today, I realised that this was a story about 因緣。

Everything has it's causes and conditions. The distinction is important - it is often thought of as delineating the primary and secondary reasons behind a result/phenomena. For example, I might have gotten my salary because I put in the hours and effort. Most people would agree that is the primary "cause" of receiving a salary, but often we forget it wasn't our OWN effort, but also the secondary "causes" like having an employer to employ you, that we have had some educational background (made possible by even more other causes and conditions) etc.

For a long while I've been fighting the idea that there can be "primary"and "secondary" conditions for a phenomena, since for a phenomena to occur there must be both occurring in confluence, so there really cannot be a distinction in their importance.

But today I perceived the "causes and condition" theory in a new light - in terms of control. I think, from the standpoint of "I", there are parts of the equation that we can control and parts which we cannot.

And what motivated that understanding? That I've been unhappy about things. I put up time for my girlfriend, and expected her to appreciate me, or at least use me more (as her breathing dictionary), but got none. See - I can put in my part of the equation, but I can't help her put in the rest. Understanding so, I realised 「隨緣」 hardly means that one is passive/aimless. One must put in the full measure of what one can control and LEAVE THE REST to other actors. So the end cannot be expected.

So if there are flowers on the branches, and you so desire to possess them, then go ahead and bring them home, do not wait for the flowers to have withered, for, try as you may, you would only have some twigs for your fireplace then. Of course, like Kelvin mentioned, you can pluck the flowers only if you are willing to face the consequences.

So, should I study for my Stats exam?

Sunday 18 September 2011

It is time to start again!

I spent half a year in Taiwan and found someone there. Lots went through my mind since I returned from Taiwan, while I tried and continue to try to make sense of my experiences but one things is clear - passive/investment income is key to what I want to accomplish in future. And this cash has to be available irregardless of which country or place or time I end up in.

There are two directions - do translation and trade forex. So here I am, full circle. I'm happy, because I don't quite like having to tell myself that I have, yet again, let go of another of my spurts of interest in stuff that goes on around me.

I have committed myself to spending thirty minutes each day on each area. And though I haven't been all that successful in keeping to that, I'm gonna try my hardest in the weeks to come.